Polly and Tala help fight the Russian invasion at the North Pole. Kyla figures out who the mastermind is behind so much criminal intrigue.

Ray discovers that Russians have sent combat troops toward the North Pole to seize control of the water supply. The Americans know they can’t get troops to the North Pole ahead of the Russians, but Ray volunteers to lead a team to find a solution.
Troy blackmails Leon and Terry into helping him.
Ray comes up with a solution to trap the Russian troops when they arrive at the Pole. The Africans in orbit drop to the Pole in shuttles and help construct the trap.
The Russian combat rovers arrive at the Pole. Tala and Polly act as bait in a trap. The Americans release a flood of water from massive tanks and freeze the Russian rovers in ice in the -80 degree cold. The Russian soldiers are given a choice of surrendering or getting their rovers filled with water.
Henry prompts Kyla to speak up at an international meeting with the Russian dictator. When Yahontov threatens the Martian colonies with nuclear weapons dropped from orbit, Kyla reveals that robots directed by Henry have sabotaged the Russian weapons. Yahontov is sent back to Earth in disgrace.
Kyla confronts Henry about his secret activities. She has figured out that Henry has prompted warfare between criminal gangs by feeding information to them. Henry even was the secret mastermind that hired Leon and Terry. Henry states that he has broken no laws because laws apply to humans, not machines. He has been trying to eliminate people and organizations that threaten the success of the Martian colonies.
Kyla’s toys with the idea of exposing Henry’s activities, but Henry saves her from a bomb sent by the Russians. Kyla decides to keep Henry’s plots to herself because he would be destroyed if the authorities knew a robot had killed humans.
Troy meets with an Asian gang and invites them to partner with him to introduce drugs into the American colony. Troy promises to get them intelligence on law enforcement activity because he is planning to become a US Marshal.
Kyla returns to the Hayes apartment only to have Ray shut the door in her face.